Advent #1

This week is the first Sunday of advent. Advent is an important season in the church calendar, for some all they might know of advent is the calendars but there is so much more. Advent is about waiting, expectantly for the coming of Jesus, its when we look at the lead up to Jesus coming through the virgin birth. Its also a time for us to look at waiting for Jesus to come back again. I heard a preacher once talk about how at the end of a sermon he just stated “Jesus will come back and make everything right” that’s the truth that we believe. Waiting can be hard but Jesus will always come in expected and unexpected ways and that’s what we’ll look at this Sunday through the lens of Isaiah’s writing in chapter 64.

For Only One Short Hour, or, The Seamstress

Date: 1854

Artist: Blunden, Anna E., 1829-1915

Anchor Texts

Isaiah 64:1-9

Matthew 3:13-17

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the longest you have waited for something?

  2. Do you find yourself asking Jesus, “why haven’t you come back yet?”

  3. What are some examples of Jesus doing unexpected things?

  4. How has Jesus shown up in your life unexpectedly?


Advent 2


Christ the King!