The Letter to the Ephesians Pt. 8

Grace: something we want, and we don’t have a hard time admitting we need.

Gospel: The good news - God’s action, God’s offering, God’s salvation - for us.

Suffering for others: In theory it sounds noble, but once it’s happening it’s not so easy to understand.

This week, we’re listening to what God has to say about how these three things are woven together - not just in Paul’s life, but in our lives, too.

The Apostle Paul in Prison - Rembrandt

Anchor Texts:

Ephesians 3:7-13 NLT 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NIV 

Questions to Ponder:

  1. When’s the last time you were disappointed or not selected for a new opportunity? How did you react?

  2. Reflecting back on that hard time, what opportunities did God give you to reflect his goodness or be an example of his faithfulness through it?

  3. How was Paul’s suffering in prison “for” the Ephesian people? What ways did God open up for Paul’s life to still bless people?

  4. Why would God choose to “display his wisdom through the church” (Eph 3:10)? Do you think that was a good idea!? How does he do it?

  5. What limitations or sufferings do you experience presently? What ways might God be opening up in your life to reflect God’s goodness to others?

  6. Read and reflect on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - pray with others (if possible) about giving God the opportunity to work through your weakness.

The Theme in Song:

This song points to the original suffering for the gospel, the suffering of Jesus. What it should also call our attention to, though, is that the Bible is clear that the followers of Jesus will also suffer for the sake of the gospel, and for the people who need to hear it.


Letter to the Ephesians, Pt. 9


The Letter to the Ephesians, Pt. 7