Easter Sunday

“Woman, Why Weepest Thou? - Fritz Uhde

Easter is here and soon we will all repeat the familiar announcement to each other” “Christ is risen!” then, “He is risen indeed!”

What do those words mean?

Are they the announcement of a mere story? To this, of course we respond - “No!” This is no mere story. Though it certainly makes for an incredible story to tell. In fact, no greater story can actually be told. Every story has characters, a problem, and some kind of resolution, but the Easter story claims to incorporate every problem, the ultimate character, and the perfect solution. There is nothing left for another story to claim. Easter isn’t just a story about Jesus. It’s a story about every human being who ever lived, because the crucifixion and resurrection changes reality for us all - living and dead.

To come back to the first question, then: is the announcement a mere story? No, its the greatest story that could ever possibly be told. But to be truly the greatest story, it needs one other quality - it needs to be true. And it is!

A true story is infinitely greater than an untrue one, because every effect, every event, has real concrete significance for us apart from what we think about it or do with it. In other words, the Easter story acts on us - how? through the activity of the Holy Spirit.

Easter is a Trinitarian event. God loved the word, God hung on the cross, God proclaims the news and changes the world. Or you could say, the Father loves the world (John 3:16), Jesus hung on the cross (Matthew 27:53), the Holy Spirit makes known (John 14:26). The power of this true story is still as vibrant and real as it was 2000 years ago.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to each one of us today when we hear the proclamation that “Christ is Risen.” This is not a statement about a personal belief, it’s a deep truth uttered by the Spirit for the sake of the world. You have a part to play in the story, because God has given you a voice. He has given you a place in this world for a little while. In submission to God’s Holy Spirit, everything you say and do in your life because part of your testimony about this fundamental truth - Christ is risen. And since he is risen, the world is a different place.

So this Easter, you aren’t just saying Christ is risen, as a follower of the risen Jesus, the Holy Spirit wants to use your voice, your actions, and every other facet of your life so that you live the truth that Christ is risen.

Lord, have mercy on us!

May I live the truth that Christ is risen today. Amen.

{Scroll Down for Questions and Key Texts}

Easter in Song:

This hymn is one of the most well beloved Easter songs - here see it such by the award winning Gracias Choir.

Hear the story told, and the joyful response sung through this amazing video by “The Spirituals".”

Here’s one more song that sings through the story of Easter and our joyful response of praise.

Anchor Texts:

Mark 16:1-8 NLT - The Resurrection

Questions to Ponder:

  1. Ponder Mark 16:1 for a moment. Who were these women and what might they have been thinking and feeling? Where were the male disciples at this point? What might they have been thinking and feeling? Remember, Easter Sunday begins with all the disciples still in ignorance of what has happened! What would you be thinking or feeling if you were there?

  2. What did the women come prepared to do? What mission were they given instead? What things do we want to do for God (works) but what mission have we been given instead?

  3. Why do you think Peter gets special mention in verse 7?

  4. When the women encountered the angels they left “bewildered” and then the short version of Mark abruptly ends there. It’s deeply dissatisfying to us at first! Can you think of a time in your faith when you have been bewildered? What came of it - was there a lesson or realization God gave you later on?

  5. Many later manuscripts of Mark keep going and tell more of the story which lines up with the gospels of Luke and Matthew. Before reading them, though, think about the many people immediately after the resurrection who heard the original short version. What lessons does God share with us in verses 1-8. Ponder the value of the short ending before moving on to the fuller account.


The Letter to the Ephesians, Pt. 7


Palm Sunday