Palm Sunday

Entry into the City - John August Swanson

Is Palm Sunday more than just a cute precursor to Easter? Absolutely! But what is this event all about? What do we learn about Jesus and God’s quest to bring salvation to His people? We’re talking about that and more this week as we celebrate Palm Sunday and prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Anchor Texts:

Mark 11:1-11 ESVUK - The Triumphal Entry 

Isaiah 59:2, 11, 15-16 ESVUK - but your iniquities have made a - Bible Gateway

Questions to Ponder:

  1. Having read Mark 11:1-11 - Why do you think Jesus went about this strange way to acquire the donkey?

  2. What does Jesus’ inclusion of the disciples in the preparations for the triumphal entry tell us about the way God works with people?

  3. Reading all (or the selections) of Isaiah 59 gives us a description of the problem of sin - what ways does sin create separation between us and God even after we’ve begun following Jesus? What does repairing this separation look like?

  4. Jesus always initiates grace and forgiveness, but are we truly comfortable with this? Do you ever feel like you need to DO something to get right with God?

  5. What forms of preparation/celebration have you witnessed or participated in leading up to Easter? What do these practices do to help you prepare and reflect on the reality and consequences of Easter?

The Theme in Song:

Here is an Easter medley to prepare you for the season of Easter before it begins!


Easter Sunday


Guatemala 2024