Faith at Home

Building up the family is not a hobby, it is an essential task given to all of us. But recognizing that we can’t do this alone is important. We need to support one another. While we don’t always have our biological extended families around us to support us, we have been given a family by God - the family of Christ. This week we’re taking time to practically support each other as a spiritual extended family so that the kids in our homes and in our church can thrive as we seek to disciple the next generation.

Anchor Passages:

Matthew 12:48-50 NIVUK - He replied to him, ‘Who is my mother

Exodus 20:12 NIV - Honor your father and your mother

Ephesians 6:4 NIV - Do not exasperate your children

Proverbs 22:6 ESVUK - Train up a child in the way he should go

Questions to Ponder:

1. Get a pen and paper (or some writing device). Pray for God to help you see where he is prompting you. Write down the names of at least one person God is giving you an opportunity to disciple. Pray for this person and for God to she you the next step.

1. What new discipling resource (book, music, devotional etc.) interests you right now? Why this one? Next step: Make a plan (including time frame) to get it and start using it with the person(s) you’re discipling.

2. Watch the video about discipling below. Or have a look at the disciple-making square below that Pastor Nate presented in the sermon. Have you heard this concept before. Have you consciously applied it in a discipling relationship?

3. Read and re-read Matthew 12:48-50. What do you think Jesus means and are we wholeheartedly embracing this teaching of Jesus?

4. Consider Proverbs 22:6. It is a wonderful promise and encouragement, but what happens when this doesn’t seem to work out? Consider the ways this verse could be harmfully applied (i.e. blame/guilt) and what it could mean, considering it sometimes doesn’t work out this way.

Additional Resources:

Here are some of the resources we use regularly or suggested this week:

  1. Youtube (just search for): Hey-O Bible Stories, Crossroads Kids’ Club, BibleProject, Superbook

  2. Excellent websites:

  3. Books:

    The Tech-Wise Family - Andy Crouch 

    Raising Emotionally Strong Boys - David Thomas

    Raising Worry Free Girls - Sissy Goff 

    Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms - Justin Whitmel Earley

A Discipling Tool - The Square:

Here is a slightly more in depth explanation of the discipling tool. it describes some of the other aspects of discipling and the challenges and opportunities that come with being and making apprentices of Jesus!


The Letter to the Ephesians Pt. 1


Giving Well