Giving Well

This week were talking about money. We try to cover this topic regularly so that we don’t end up letting this important part of our lives become something “nobody talks about”.

The Widow’s Mite - Sigfried Detler

But what happens to the conversation when Jesus tells us to give in secret? Should we talk about money and giving after all, or is it something we’re supposed to keep “hush hush”?

Anchor Passages:

Matthew 6:2-4 NIV - “So when you give to the needy

Luke 21:1-4 NIV - The Widow’s Offering 

Deuteronomy 14:28-29 NIV - Tithe for the Levites and Poor

Leviticus 2:1-14 NIV - The Grain Offering

Numbers 18:20-22 NIV - Tithes

Questions to Ponder:

  1. Read the three Old Testament passages above. They all concern giving. Can they carry over directly into our culture? What value do these passages have for us today as lessons about giving?

  2. Who are we to give to according to the various passages above?

  3. Scan the others teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5-7. What is he attitude toward the poor? Does this reflect you/our attitude toward the poor?

  4. Who are the “poor” as you define it - Jesus culture? In ours? What is similar, what is different between them?

  5. Who is expected to give according to God’s expectation?

The Theme in Song:

One of my favourite worship song writers is the duo “All Sons and Daughters”. This song, called All the Poor and Powerless” is an important reflection on God’s heart for all who humble themselves before him and recognize that we are all “poor and powerless”.

The Theme for Kids:

Getting the conversation about giving started with kids is important. This video provides a starting point and should hopefully raise some questions that you and kids in your life can talk about.

God Bless.


Faith at Home


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